
Rapid Tooling

October 17th at 7:22pm

With the further development of various molding technologies, the accuracy of parts is also constantly improving. Rapid Tooling Manufacturing, as a tool that does not require any specialized auxiliary fixtures and fittings, is able to directly and quickly transform CAD 3D models into 3D solid models, and is therefore also favored by an increasing number of user groups.

How to make rapid mold in the manufacturing process, further cost reduction and efficiency?

In the traditional plastic mold unchanged for hundreds of years in the process of molding methods, in recent years in the industrial people company rapid mold of new technology and new materials combined with metal 3D printing rapid prototyping, making a new breakthrough in the mold manufacturing industry, metal 3D printing technology to replace the traditional CNC machining of rapid mold mold molding methods, and gradually made more and more widely customers and enterprises to apply, widely acclaimed.

The traditional fast mold using constant size frame, thimble, top plate and other multi-layer stacked assembly of the main body, mold structure using the traditional mold design, fixed material, CNC machining, wire cutting processing, deep hole drilling processing, EDM machining, grinder processing, a series of old-fashioned machining process to complete a set of fast mold machining and molding methods, the manufacturing of such a relatively long period of time, and very often in the time it is difficult to meet the customer's needs.